Southeast Idaho's
Gender Affirming Clothing Exchange
About Us
Founded in early 2022, we started as a group of motivated strangers coming together to throw a last minute Pride festival . We spent the next couple of years with so much excitement to fulfill various needs of the Southeast Idaho LGBTQ+ community.
The Closet has really been the most successful program we have put out, and we are excited every week as we see it grow. We feel like we have finally found our place of impact and really want to go deep with this project.
We are so grateful for everyone who has been involved in our organization and supported us along the way. We are so excited about focusing on The Closet solely and making it an even better resource for Pocatello and Southeast Idaho.

All the Latest

We are expanding our board!
Interested in becoming a board member with SEIPF?
Currently seeking : Volunteer Coordinator.
This person would be responsible for recruiting, coordination, and communication with volunteers for The Closet shifts.
Secretary: Duties include taking board minutes, administrative and document organization.
Commitments would be attending monthly board meetings. Active participation in board duties and program is a requirement.